Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is a type of regression analysis used to predict the result of a categorical variable, that is, used to classify a data set according to the possible categories given by the variable to be predicted.
The algorithm predicts the probability that a certain example belongs to a certain category. But, for each case study, an approval threshold have to be specified, it is a number from 0 to 1, given by the user, who will determine, if the probability is greater than this threshold, then this example belongs to a certain category.
Having this clear, our hypothesis is as follows:
We are going to use a threshold of 0.5, therefore:
- If , the prediction will be ””
- If , the prediction will be ””
Note that .
And how to get :
Once we analyze the formulas. First, the value of is obtained and a function is applied to this result which can convert the result of to one that ranges from 0 to 1, and thus, given the threshold, we can decide if we can classify that example as ”” or ”“.
This function is called the sigmoid function:
Cost Function
The cost function for a linear regression is as follows:
For logistic regression we cannot use this one, since this will result in a non-convex function, so it would never be possible to find an optimal global minimum to minimize it.
We have to modify this function in order to work with the two possible values ”” and ””. Our cost function would look like this:
But the above may be difficult to understand, for this we simplify the function as follows:
Taking as reference the equations for ”” and ””, we have a formula where we can work with the two possible results:
To make the prediction of a new element :
Gradient Descent
How do we get the optimal ?
As in the linear regression algorithm, we will use gradient descent to help us find these parameters. The algorithm is as follows:
Repeat until converge {
- is the learning rate.
We notice that the algorithm looks identical to the linear regression algorithm, but we must make something clear, now, the function to calculate is different, you have to use:
Code Implementation
An example dataset that helps us understand how the logistic regression algorithm is used is the dataset for predicting malignant or benign tumors based on certain characteristics.
The dataset that will be used provides us with characteristics of the tumors such as
- identification
- diagnosis
- average_radius
- medium_texture
- mean_perimeter
- mean_area
- medium_smooth
- medium_compactness
- half_concavity
- concave_mean points
- mean_symmetry
Among other important information. For this, we will try to predict the diagnosis (M = Malignant, B = Benign) according to the specifications of each tumor.
The data is found in the following link: https://www.kaggle.com/yasserh/breast-cancer-dataset
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = pd.read_csv('../data/breast-cancer.csv')
id | diagnosis | radius_mean | texture_mean | perimeter_mean | area_mean | smoothness_mean | compactness_mean | concavity_mean | concave points_mean | ... | radius_worst | texture_worst | perimeter_worst | area_worst | smoothness_worst | compactness_worst | concavity_worst | concave points_worst | symmetry_worst | fractal_dimension_worst | |
0 | 842302 | M | 17.99 | 10.38 | 122.80 | 1001.0 | 0.11840 | 0.27760 | 0.3001 | 0.14710 | ... | 25.38 | 17.33 | 184.60 | 2019.0 | 0.1622 | 0.6656 | 0.7119 | 0.2654 | 0.4601 | 0.11890 |
1 | 842517 | M | 20.57 | 17.77 | 132.90 | 1326.0 | 0.08474 | 0.07864 | 0.0869 | 0.07017 | ... | 24.99 | 23.41 | 158.80 | 1956.0 | 0.1238 | 0.1866 | 0.2416 | 0.1860 | 0.2750 | 0.08902 |
2 | 84300903 | M | 19.69 | 21.25 | 130.00 | 1203.0 | 0.10960 | 0.15990 | 0.1974 | 0.12790 | ... | 23.57 | 25.53 | 152.50 | 1709.0 | 0.1444 | 0.4245 | 0.4504 | 0.2430 | 0.3613 | 0.08758 |
3 | 84348301 | M | 11.42 | 20.38 | 77.58 | 386.1 | 0.14250 | 0.28390 | 0.2414 | 0.10520 | ... | 14.91 | 26.50 | 98.87 | 567.7 | 0.2098 | 0.8663 | 0.6869 | 0.2575 | 0.6638 | 0.17300 |
4 | 84358402 | M | 20.29 | 14.34 | 135.10 | 1297.0 | 0.10030 | 0.13280 | 0.1980 | 0.10430 | ... | 22.54 | 16.67 | 152.20 | 1575.0 | 0.1374 | 0.2050 | 0.4000 | 0.1625 | 0.2364 | 0.07678 |
We have 569 examples and 30 characteristics, we do not take into account the ID, nor the diagnosis.
data['diagnosis'][data['diagnosis'] == 'M'].count(), \
data['diagnosis'][data['diagnosis'] == 'B'].count()
(212, 357)
The dataset contains 212 cases of malignant tumors and 357 cases of benign tumors.
When a regression algorithm is going to be applied, it is important to verify that the data which it is going to work is numerical. Otherwise, some transformation work will have to be done to help us convert the categorical variables to numeric.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 569 entries, 0 to 568
Data columns (total 32 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 569 non-null int64
1 diagnosis 569 non-null object
2 radius_mean 569 non-null float64
3 texture_mean 569 non-null float64
4 perimeter_mean 569 non-null float64
5 area_mean 569 non-null float64
6 smoothness_mean 569 non-null float64
7 compactness_mean 569 non-null float64
8 concavity_mean 569 non-null float64
9 concave points_mean 569 non-null float64
10 symmetry_mean 569 non-null float64
11 fractal_dimension_mean 569 non-null float64
12 radius_se 569 non-null float64
13 texture_se 569 non-null float64
14 perimeter_se 569 non-null float64
15 area_se 569 non-null float64
16 smoothness_se 569 non-null float64
17 compactness_se 569 non-null float64
18 concavity_se 569 non-null float64
19 concave points_se 569 non-null float64
20 symmetry_se 569 non-null float64
21 fractal_dimension_se 569 non-null float64
22 radius_worst 569 non-null float64
23 texture_worst 569 non-null float64
24 perimeter_worst 569 non-null float64
25 area_worst 569 non-null float64
26 smoothness_worst 569 non-null float64
27 compactness_worst 569 non-null float64
28 concavity_worst 569 non-null float64
29 concave points_worst 569 non-null float64
30 symmetry_worst 569 non-null float64
31 fractal_dimension_worst 569 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(30), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 142.4+ KB
All of our data is numeric, so no transformation is necessary before applying the algorithm, also we do not have null data.
# Variables to be used for the algorithm
X = data.iloc[:, 2:]
m = len(X)
y = data['diagnosis']
The variable to predict is categorical, so it has to be transformed to numeric. Normally an encoding technique is used, but in this case study we have two possible outcomes, therefore:
- when the diagnosis is “M”.
- when the diagnosis is “B”.
y = y.apply(lambda x: 0 if x == 'B' else 1)
In order to handle a vectorized solution, it is necessary to add a column of ones at the beginning of the X variables, this helps us that is not modified.
ones = [1] * len(X)
X.insert(0, 'ones', ones)
X = X.values
import warnings
# Sigmoid function
def sigmoid(x):
return 1/(1 + np.e**(-x))
# Getting Predictions
def get_y_pred(x, thetas):
return sigmoid(x.dot(thetas.T))
# Getting the cost
def get_cost(y, y_pred):
cost = 0
for i in range(m):
cost += (y[i] * np.log(y_pred[i])) + ((1-y[i]) * np.log(1-y_pred[i]))
return -1 * (1/m) * cost
# Gradient Descent
def get_gradient(x, y, n_iter, thetas, alpha=0.01):
for i in range(n_iter):
y_pred = get_y_pred(x, thetas)
thetas = thetas - (alpha * ((1 / m)*((y_pred - y).T.dot(x))))
return thetas
# Optimal theta
initial_thetas = np.zeros([X.shape[1]]).T
n_iter = 100000
thetas = get_gradient(X, y, n_iter, initial_thetas)
# Obtaining the predictions according to the optimal theta.
y_pred = get_y_pred(X, thetas)
# Get 0 or 1 according to the threshold.
threshold = 0.5
y_pred2 = [1 if pred > threshold else 0 for pred in y_pred]
The best way to check how well our model is predicting is to use a confusion matrix, this helps us check for true positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives.
The Sklearn library provides us with a function to obtain this matrix. Which results in an array as follows:
This matrix also helps us calculate:
- Accuracy: Of the predictions, what is the proportion that the algorithm predicts correctly.
- Precision: Of the total number of positive predictions, what proportion is actually true positive.
- Recall: Of the total number of positive predictions, what proportion actually predicts as a true positive.
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred2)
VP = conf_matrix[0][0]
FP = conf_matrix[0][1]
VN = conf_matrix[1][1]
FN = conf_matrix[1][0]
accuracy = (VP + VN) / m
presicion = VP / (VP + FP)
recall = VP / (VP + FN)
print('Accuracy: {}, Precision: {}, Recall: {}'.format(accuracy, presicion, recall))
Accuracy: 0.9121265377855887, Presicion: 0.9971988795518207, Recall: 0.8790123456790123
Our algorithm obtains an accuracy of almost 100%, with high precision and recall. Therefore, it is concluded that this algorithm helps to predict with almost 100% accuracy a malignant or benign tumor.
Algorithm with Sklearn
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
X = data.iloc[:, 2:].values
m = len(X)
y = data['diagnosis']
# Converting categorical data to numeric
y = y.apply(lambda x: 0 if x == 'B' else 1)
# Training the model
model = LogisticRegression()
model.fit(X, y)
# Getting predictions
y_pred = model.predict(X)
# Confusion Matrix
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred2)
VP = conf_matrix[0][0]
FP = conf_matrix[0][1]
VN = conf_matrix[1][1]
FN = conf_matrix[1][0]
accuracy = (VP + VN) / m
presicion = VP / (VP + FP)
recall = VP / (VP + FN)
print('Accuracy: {}, Precision: {}, Recall: {}'.format(accuracy, presicion, recall))
Accuracy: 0.9121265377855887, Precision: 0.9971988795518207, Recall: 0.8790123456790123
We can see how we obtain the same results, but with the advantage that now the procedure is applied with a few lines of code.